As with most health issues we deal with there are all natural alternatives to handling kidney stones. This alternative has worked for many people I personally know who have suffered for years from the painful attacks.
Please keep in mind that all natural methods for healing generally take their time in healing, and each individual's ability for healing will depend upon many factors. Nutrition, absorption and the bodies own ability for healing. So if you decide to try this formula please remember it took a long time to get you to the point to where you were needing to even try this so it may take a bit to get you out. For those who have tried this and were successful it was because they stayed disciplined and consistent with the plan.
Nutrition -
- Follow an organic raw food diet (fresh veggies, fruits, and meats).
- The Paleo Solution
and our Alkalinity Chart can assist you with this.
- Avoid Sugar, Grain (Rice/Pasta/Wheat), Gluten products, Dairy
"remember that when you are detoxing it is best to eliminate all meat except for fish, processed foods, sugar, grain, gluten and dairy as they are just too hard for your body to process while it's trying to heal".
Supplements -
- Marshmallow Root Powder
(Recipe for Marshmallow Tea Click Here)
- Dandelion Root Powder
or Capsules
(Others have found results with taken 4 capsules or a 1 tablespoon in the am repeating in the pm)
- Stone Free
(take as instructed on the bottle)
- Magnesium
(generally a teaspoon in the am and a teaspoon in the pm)
Exercise -
- Light Stretching or Yoga
- 20-30 min walk daily