
Natren Probiotics

Teccino the other coffee drink

Are you a coffee drinker who can not live without your coffee fix?  Teccino is an awesome solution for those who want the coffee fix without the damage it does to their bodies.  The best part about Teccino is that it tastes like coffee but does not contain any caffeine, or any acid.  It is actually an alkaline drink that is packed with other beneficial nutrients.

My husband loves his coffee, can't live without the hot drink, so I decided one day to switch his coffee with Teccino.  For 2 months he drank Teccino and during this time he never knew that it was not coffee.  One morning he was complaining about the acid in his stomach and blamed it on too much coffee... I started laughing and could not stop and finally I blurted out it can't be the coffee, must be the sugar because you've been drinking an alkaline coffee drink now for 2 months.  He was shocked that he could not tell the difference.  To this day he is still a Teccino drinker.

If you love your coffee, you'll love to know you can have it less the acid and caffeine anytime you like when you make a cup of Teccino.

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