
Natren Probiotics

A Journey of Healing from Ulcerative Colitis

A Note from I'M Holisitc...

So many suffer from disorder and disease, Mica has an inspiring story on how he has battled Ulcerative Colitis using alternative and natural methods and how he has won.  Whether you suffer from Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, Krohn's or other Auto Immune disorders you might find hope by reading more about Mica. 

A Journey of Healing

I was challenged with Ulcerative Colitis for eight years before I discovered how to heal myself.
Over the course of those eight years I investigated countless alternative healing modalities and various types of alternative medicine, yet could never get to the root cause of my dis-ease.

I eventually began to dig a little deeper, realizing that healing wasn’t going to be a quick fix.  As I started looking at the thoughts in my mind, my ego, and the emotional patterns I was continually repeating, I began to understand why Ulcerative Colitis was manifesting in my body.  I was searching for love from outside myself.  I was searching for a deeper connection to the Source Energy that flows through everything, not understanding that it flows within myself.

Emotional healing began when I started a practice of mindful awareness.  I started to simply watch the thoughts and emotions moving through me over the course of my day, noticing when, where, and why I was having thoughts and emotions relating to self protection, making myself feel better about myself, role playing, and negative emotional reactions (anxiety, annoyance, frustration, worry, and fear).  Over the course of this process I had a powerful awakening, where I realized greater depths of my emotional and mental experience, began to feel the energy within my body and how I was directing it, and see very clearly the root of my dis-ease (maladaptive patterns of thought and behavior developed throughout my life).  Over the course of two months my symptoms went away completely, and I felt a joy, love, and peace return to my life that I had not experienced in a long time.  My path of energy healing is ongoing, however, as I continue to grow into more of who I am.

I now have a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.  The process of healing extends far beyond removing physical dis-ease from the body, but rather, reflects a greater journey of growth and expansion of consciousness on the path that each one of our souls embarks upon during this lifetime.  Bringing love and compassion to ourselves during our journey is one of our greatest tools for growth and positive change.  I now offer spiritual counseling for those who are seeking this kind of energy healing.

What is Ulcerative Colitis? It is an auto immune disease where the immune system continually attacks the intestinal lining of the digestive tract. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are intestinal bleeding, diarrhea, cramping, weakness, fatigue, and depression.  What causes Colitis? Western medicine does not know the cause or have a cure for Ulcerative Colitis, and colitis treatment involves daily doses of medication to suppress inflammation in the digestive tract.  The symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis were quite challenging to live with and limited the enjoyment of my life for 8 years.

There are so many natural remedies for colitis, and natural remedies for healing in general, that it can be overwhelming to know where to start.  I tried acupuncture, psychotherapy, counseling, a specific colitis diet, regression therapy, meditation, herbs and vitamins, chakra healing, sound therapy, saw a spiritual counselor, and went to a Reiki master.  While many of these approaches helped, I was never able to get to the root cause of my dis-ease.

The Plot Thickens…
I eventually began to dig a little deeper, realizing that healing wasn’t going to be a quick fix.  It wasn’t until I started looking at the thoughts in my mind, my ego, and the emotional patterns I was continually repeating, that I began to understand why this dis-ease was manifesting in my body.

Healing began when I started a practice of mindful awareness.  I started to simply watch the thoughts and emotions moving through me over the course of my day, noticing when, where, and why I was having thoughts and emotions relating to self protection, making myself feel better about myself, role playing, and negative emotional reactions (anxiety, annoyance, frustration, worry, and fear).  Over the course of this process I had a powerful awakening, where I realized greater depths of my emotional and mental experience, began to feel the energy within my body, and how I was directing it, and see very clearly the root of my dis-ease (maladaptive patterns of thought and behavior learned throughout my life).  Over the course of two months my symptoms went away completely, and I felt a joy, love, and peace return to my life that I had not experienced in a long time.  My path of spiritual healing is ongoing, however, as I continue to discover more of who I am, and how I want to create my life.
Holistic Healing of Mind, Body, and Emotions.  
Disease happens within all layers of a person’s being.  While my healing was focused on releasing mental and emotional energy, I was also fine tuning my relationship with my body during this process as well.  The more I researched, the more I realized how important diet is.  According to Chinese medicine, poor diet, digestive pathogens, and malnutrition all contribute to almost all disease, including digestive diseases (visit the “Physical” subpage under the “Holistic Counseling” page for a Colitis diet that was a part of my healing.)

Candida overgrowth, for instance, is believed to occur in approximately 75% of Americans, many of whom are totally unaware of this imbalance in their body.  This overpopulation of yeast in the body can be responsible for the breakdown of the digestive functioning, allowing toxins into the blood stream, and ultimately contributing to a host of problems in the body.  Another possible culprit might be other foreign pathogens in the body, such as parasites.  Food allergies, as well as dairy and gluten sensitivities, all could be contributing to symptoms that fit under the umbrella of U.C., Crohns, irritable bowel syndrome, or irritable bowel disease.

In other cases, these digestive diseases are more deeply rooted in unaddressed emotional trauma being held within the cells of the body.  Often times anger, grief, and sadness are held within this part of the body, creating energy blockages, and over time, can cause dis-ease in the body.

Wether you are suffering from U.C., irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel disease, or Crohn’s disease, there is a systematic approach for uncovering the potential root cause of these types of imbalances.  By beginning with nutrition and lifestyle changes, and continuing into the subtler layers of mental and emotional energy flowing through the body, we can come to understand where imbalance is occuring.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of I'm Holistic, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experiences of I'm Holistic. I'm Holistic encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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