1. Peppermint tea
Peppermint is great for soothing upset tummies and easing gas
pains. Its essential oil contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic
effect of the smooth muscle of the digestive track. It also soothes
nerves, and therefore can soothe stomachs that really feel the effect of
nervousness and stress. Drink a cup after dinner to help keep things
moving slowly.
You will need…
-1 bag of herbal peppermint tea
-1 cup or so of freshly boiled water
Steeping tea seems like something that’s simple enough, but there’s a
proper way to go about it. We often times let the tea bag sit in the
water for several minutes, then pull the bag and drink the liquid. This
doesn’t allow all the goodness of the tea to infuse thoroughly, and
we’re shorting ourselves a good chunk of the benefits. After you boil
your water, pour it over the tea bag in a mug, and then cover the mug (a
plate works fine.) Let it sit for a full 10-15 minutes. Remove the
cover and take out the tea bag, squeezing it to get out every last bit
of the healing mixture. If it’s too hot to grab, press it against the
side of the mug with a spoon. Sip, relax, and enjoy.
2. Let it out
Forever I can remember my mom telling me.. don't hold it in. She'd always say if you hold it in your gonna make your tummy mad. I know it may sound silly but your tummy depends on your bodies ability to relieve itself. Yes it can be embarrassing to let it out, but it is imperative to maintain health to be able to do so. So try your best to find a quiet place to do it, but definitely do it if you need to.
3. Ginger tames
Ginger makes a great tea, it's great mixed in with your recipes and it has an amazing way to tame and calm your nausea, indigestion, or other tummy upsets. It is capable of performing its wonders
because of several different chemical components it possesses. Two
chemicals-gingerols and shgaols- relax the intestinal track and ease any
inflammation, while the root in its entirety act as a carminative-that
is it prevents the formation of excess gas, or helps expel it.
You will need…
-1 fresh gingerroot
-A grater (optional)
-1 cup of boiling water, if making tea
-Lemon and honey (optional)
There are several ways to make gingerroot tea but for gas, we liked
this one. Get a medium sized piece of raw gingerroot that looks nice and
fresh. Scrub it clean, much like a potato, under warm water. Slice 4-6
thin quarter sized pieces and place them in a large mug. Add a touch of
honey or lemon if you like, and then pour very hot water over the
slices. Don’t let it boil-turn off the kettle just before or immediately
afterwards. Cover and steep for 10 minutes before enjoying. Drink a cup
before or after a meal to help with digestion.
Another way to reap the benefits of ginger is to eat a teaspoon of
fresh grated ginger before meals, or nibble a root throughout the day.
4. Crunch on caraway
For centuries caraway has been used to give trapped gas in the
digestive track a little shove out the back door. In England from the
Middle Ages onward, it has been reported to help gas “caused by wind
trapped in the body.” Of course air is only part of it but, if you find
yourself puffing up from too much trapped gas, munching on a small
handful of caraway seeds straight, or caraway crackers if the taste is
too strong, might help.
You will need…
-a pinch of caraway seeds OR several caraway crackers
When you feel bloated and you’re unable to pass gas, eat a pinch of
caraway seeds or a few caraway crackers. If you suffer from regular
bloating due to gas, try eating a pinch every morning until you feel you
no longer need to.
5. Drink chamomile tea
If you like the calming effect of chamomile over peppermint a cup of tea may be the way to go. In Germany, they call
chamomile alles zutraut which translates to “capable of anything,”
because it is so useful. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and just
plain relaxing, chamomile can help with gas due to indigestion as well
as heartburn, whereas peppermint is better for gas caused solely by

You will need…
-1 bag of chamomile tea
-1 cup or so of freshly boiled water
-honey or lemon juice (optional)
Boil approximately 1 cup of water and pour over tea bag. Cover the
mug, and let the tea steep for a full 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the bag to
get out all the last bits of goodness, and add a bit of honey and lemon
if you like. Avoid milk, which tends to trigger gas.
6. Eat pumpkin
Gas is usually caused by improper digestion and nutrition.
Fiber is hard for us to digest, so it passes through our gut in bulk, especially when one does not chew properly.
When food does not break down in the small intestine, it goes into the
large intestine where natural bacteria feasts on it. As a by-product of
their munching they produce a variety of gases, which produces a whole
range of problems for us. Pumpkin is helpful because it can reduce the
amount of gas created. Eat along with any meal to nip your problem in
the bud.
7. Activate your tummy
Activated charcoal can be a great help when you really feel like you've over done it. Activated charcoal is porous, great at trapping chemicals and binding to toxins, which is why it is used
in the case of drug overdoses and for food poisoning. Especially helpful for holiday dinners when you might be eating items you don't normally eat, also great when you want to do a detox. Activated charcoal is best taken in capsule form. We have found that 4 capsules is plenty in a normal situation and at times mainly during detox we have taken up to 8 at a time. If you have any questions about activated charcoal please read the insert provided with the bottle or seek the advice of your physician.
8. Chew Chew Chew
My parents used to tell me.. chew chew chew your food. At least 70 times before you allow it to pass to your intestines. I never understood why this was so important. Not only does gas form by food that has not
broken down, but with each chew you are producing
essential digestive enzymes and making it easier for the nutrients of your food to be absorbed into your blood stream and easier for your body to digest.
9. Drink warm or cold glass of lemon water

The key is alkalinity. Although lemons appear to be acidic once ingested they become the most alkaline food to start your day add it to some water and drink. This has been an age old model trick to kick starting your metabolism while starting your body off with an a great alkaline kick. Lemon is good for you in a number of ways, including lending a
hand when it comes to easing your gas pain. The acidity in lemon
stimulates the production of HCL (hydrochloric acid) which is what
breaks down our food. More HCL = food breaking down more efficiently =
less bloating and gas. The water flushes your system and keeps your
digesting tract moving along smoothly. This mixture also works as a
mighty fine way to detoxify your entire body, because the lemon helps
the livers enzymes work more efficiently. This is a great daily habit to adopt.
You will need…
-3 fresh lemon wedges OR a fully squeezed lemon
-A cup of water
When you wake up in the morning, before you eat and when you have
an empty stomach, warm up one cup of water or live it at room temperature. Add your fresh lemon by squeezing the juice into the water. Give it a little stir and drink the whole
glass. Repeat every morning.
10. Eat foods that can help you
Many of the foods we eat today can do more harm than good reeking havoc on our digestive systems. Caffeine laden beverages, sugary sweets, fatty fried
foods, processed foods, dairy, grain and a number of other items claiming to be nutritious can cause gas, bloating and eventually even IBS (irrital bowel syndrome). Bad food choices can contribute to more bad bacterial growth in your tummy resulting in more opportunities for bloating, gas and other complications. Focus on foods that are meant to help you nutritiously with 80% being alkaline and 20% acidic.
CLICK HERE FOR THE ALKALINITY CHART!. Please keep in mind that there are some vegetables like cabbage and broccoli which are known to expel gasses, however these are natural gases that eventually will come to pass leaving you feeling better overall.
11. Get your body moving
Together diet and exercise make one of the most
powerful remedies for a vast number of ailments that plague us. If feeling good is something you are looking for you'll need to do a little moving everyday. Walk, swim, yoga, sports, the gym can all go a long way when
it comes to feeling good. Active lifestyles promote a healthier digestion. Personally I have found that yoga or stretching for an hour every day can really change your life and how you feel. Yoga is an easy way to naturally effect every organ, tissue, cell and muscle in your body and the results are amazing.
12. Anise Seed
Anise has anti-spasmodic properties and helps to relax your digestive track and any cramping you may be feeling. It is also a carminative, which is
just a fancy way to say that it is known to expel pent up gas and
relieve the bloating that goes with it.
13. Enzymes
Digestive enzymes are generally produced when we chew chew chew. When we chew our saliva produces valuable enzymes Protease, Amalyse and Lipase. The enzymes then make there way to our stomach and are used to aid in the process of digestion. When we eat plants especially the green leafy raw kind more enzymes are added from the vegetables; however, if we do not chew enough, if we do not eat enough raw green vegetables and if we eat too many cooked or processed foods then there is a high likelihood that you are enzyme deficient. I discovered this to be true about myself 3 years ago when I was suffering from allergies. There are many digestive enzymes you can look into taking. Bromelain can help your body digest proteins better or Super Enzymes are great as an all overall supplement An enzyme supplement that I have found to be particularly helpful has been Allerase. Enzyme supplements can be found at your local health store or online at http://vitacost.com.
14. Probiotics
There are about 1000 different bacterial species that can be found in the human gut, including microorganisms like
Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Each individual is host to its own subgroup of around 160 of those
species, like a unique fingerprint. Humans actually have more bacterial
cells than human cells - in fact, we are 90% bacteria, and only 10%
human cells.
Most of these estimated 100 trillion live bacteria perform valuable
functions in our gastrointestinal system, including helping to manage
undesirable microorganisms and relieving occasional gas, indigestion and
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as "live
microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a
health benefit on the host". Probiotics are acidophilus-type bacteria that benefit our
gastrointestinal tract and aid digestion. The best on the market over the counter that I have found is
"Healthy Trinity". Personally this brand has been a life saver in our lives as well as our dogs lives.
15. Fermented Foods
Eating fermented foods is something that our ancestors did regularly but with the modern day convenience of processed and packaged food the art of fermentation is left to the hard core believers. When you eat a fermented food it is like eating a food that has been partially digested. It restores the proper balance of good bacteria in the gut. They are a great source of enzymes that can help you with your digestion. Fermented foods can actually increase your vitamin count and aid in nutritional absorption. Fermentation can help preserve good food for longer, it is inexpensive and full of flavor. Go crazy make your own.
Kefir Soda Pop
BBQ Natto with Shrimp
Traditional Korean Kimchi from Homemade Mommy
Easy Homemade Sauerkraut from Gutsy by Nature
Sauerkraut from Cheerfully Imperfect
Ridiculously Easy Homemade Dill Pickles from Primally Inspired
Lacto-Fermented Banana Peppers from Elston Backyard Farms
Easy Homemade Ginger Carrot Sauerkraut from The Savory Lotus
Fermented Apple Juice from Oh Lardy
Homemade Soda from Cheerfully Imperfect
Fermented Beet Kvass from The Yogi Mami
Coconut Water Kefir Beet Kvass from The Healthy Habit Coach
Lychee Coconut Water Kefir from Loula Natural
Fermented Ketchup from Homemade Mommy
Not Your Mama’s Yogurt from The Yogi Mami
Simple Milk Kefir from Cheerfully Imperfect
Coconut Milk Yogurt from Gutsy by Nature
Traditional Sourdough Bread from Pure Traditions
Savory Soured Oatcakes from Cheerfully Imperfect
Real Ranch Dressing from Homemade Mommy
Mason Jar Sangria from The Darling Bakers
Lacto-Fermented Ketchup from Suzy Homemaker
Spicy Fermented Cranberry Orange Relish from Homemade Mommy
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of I'm Holistic, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experiences of I'm Holistic. I'm Holistic encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.